Zebras Crossing

It started with a dream...

21 years ago my mother had a dream of building a unique safari destination. She mortgaged her home and today that dream is ranked 7th best lodge in the Waterberg (out of 275) on TripAdvisor. When mom closed her eyes we took over reigns...

The actual website is...


The history is full of love...

But it wasn't easy...

A hotel, lodge, B&B - whatever the case - isn't a walk in the park. When we inherited it it was an expensive hobby. Since none of us are relatives of Warren Buffet we had to turn it into a business without losing the magic...

From all of us...

... to our guests, friends and many people who were part of our journey, a big heartfelt

Siyabonga! Thank you!

To book email res@zebrascrossing.com