The Pipeline

Together we are stronger...

... which is why I believe in sharing what we are working on. Someone somewhere has already invested a lot of time and energy into a solution so why reinvent the wheel?

If you see something that you want to get in touch with please email me on

Blockchain for reputation

We support hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs, yet one of the biggest challenges is around trust and reputation. I see enormous potential for blockchain to address this. Looking for solutions to create a trust ledger... think tripadvisor & ID in one.

Interactive bots

Millions of SMEs around the world need help that is relevant and timeous. We are looking for solutions to develop or white label existing technologies that would allow an entrepreneur on their phone to interact with a AI powered tool to get relevant help around their entrepreneurial journeys.

Community book

Scaling up the Modimolle book - creating a franchise business model on the back of our work with the Modimolle book.

Great resources for SMEs

We are in the process of compiling amazing tools for SMEs that exist out there. From free apps to centralised information websites, etc. We would love to hear from you if you'd like to be part of this project!

But what if you steal my idea?

Frankly I don't put much value on ideas. Everyone has them yet few know how to make them a reality. Since I am driven by impact, should someone be better and faster than we are to take the idea to market to make the world a better place, well, we all win!

What about funding?

I subscribe to the lean startup school of action. If we can't figure out how to start something cost-effectively we are probably not squeezing our cerebral lemon enough...

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